Last night I got the first 4 rites of Munay Ki. I haven’t read the book it’s based on--The Four Insights: Wisdom, Power, and Grace of the Earthkeepers (although I've read other excellent books by the author, Alberto Villoldo)--, nor did I read over much of the information sent to me beforehand. This isn’t laziness; the library hasn’t gotten a copy of the book available (I’ve been waiting for a month) and I consciously decided to go into this not knowing very much. That’s what I did with Shamballa Multidimensional Healing and it was the right thing to do then, and it seems right now.
I heard about Munay Ki last September, from a woman I met at a Lightworkers meeting in
I was going to take the rites from her, in December, and then my dad died at the end of November and the timing seemed off. Plus she was going to charge me a lot more (although the drive would be more like an hour each way rather than 3) than the original email’s offer—she was going to charge by the hour as if I was going to her for a Reiki session and she charged way more than I do, for instance, for such a session.
So I left Munay Ki on hold and went on with my life for a few months.
Then a friend of mine, that I’ve done many energy/teaching exchanges with, sent me an email saying that she was offering them. Basically she just threw a bunch of dates out there; anyone interested could pick a few dates and come get the rites. She does various rites all in the same session. I thought that was pretty interesting, so I signed up.
I haven’t seen this particular friend in a couple of years. She had a lot of strife in her life, and she had no time and we just kind of drew apart. Even though she lives just over the line in the next town, maybe 10 minutes away if I hit every light, we hadn’t gotten together.
She had 2 other people getting rite 6. She did them first, let me watch, and then they left and I stayed for about 90 minutes, getting rites 1-4 and some basic instruction.
My experiences:
Rite 1 was supposed to be “bands of color” put into my aura. I had to stand up. My knee hurt. I experienced it as someone wrapping me like a mummy, very securely, but more like a hug than a restraint. The “bands” of color wrapped, crossed, did this flippy thing where they crossed (not of these dimensions), wrapped, crossed, flipped, etc from my feet to my head. The bands were black silk. Very interesting.
Rites 2 & 3 were together, while I was sitting down on a stool. I did not know where one ended and the next one began. At first all I could think about was fluorite. I saw purple and white banded fluorite donuts and polished chips. Then they changed color to the blue-green that Beth and I love. The blue-green fluorite started morphing between cubes and octahedrons just like it does in nature as it grows. Finally the cube form turned into a small cluster of cubes like a city (like you see sometimes in pyrite). When she moved in front of me, I felt a waterfall pour from the wall above my head in front of me (behind her), which poured toward the floor but then leapt up and into my chest, like a sine wave. She was blowing into my hands and even though I could feel her soft cheeks against my fingers it felt like she was pouring water into my hands.
The 4th rite was done while I was on her Reiki table. My attention was on my left knee, the one I hurt in
I think I might have interrupted the ending of the rite because I asked that my friend do a couple of minutes of energy work on that knee. I knew that it needed to be “sealed” somehow, and after only a couple of minutes the white ball went away and I knew it was finished.
She then decided she wanted to do a tapping routine with me, to lessen the pain in my knee. I wish she hadn’t chosen that route; now I won’t know if the tapping or the rites are what affected my knee.
Because my knee is better. The pain has greatly reduced. I am still limping, but that’s because my muscles have been trained to walk that way since January. The physical therapy I’m about to start will help that.
The tapping routine is complicated, but she gave me the paperwork on how to do it, and I’ll post that here when I have time to retype it. )Munay-Ki official web site; FOL image adapted from here.
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