Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Jaguar Nights 2011 and 2012

I know I faked you all out saying Jaguar Nights 2010 was coming, and it never did. The finances just weren't (aren't) there for me to pay a huge upfront printing cost.  Amazon has now implemented print on demand (POD) service for little authors like me and I'm about to take full advantage of it.  I'm simultaneously working on Jaguar Nights 2011, Jaguar Nights 2012 and also the original Jaguar Nights: Journey through the Tzolkin that started it all. I hope to have them on Amazon next month, starting with 2011.
Unfortunately I will lose my spiral binding.  To make up for that, if you purchase the book directly from me, I will include a free bookmark with your birthday in Mayan notation (or any other date you choose).  If you purchase from Amazon, simply forward the email that says the book shipped and I will send you the bookmark separately.
I am hoping that I will be able to lower the price as well, since I don't have to front the printing anymore. I have to look more closely at the pay structure for POD, as I've never worked that way before.  I also won't have to pay to ship my books to Amazon so that will help defray costs as well.
Sample composite day from the calendars:
I'm not set up for pre-orders yet as I haven't determined the price. You can email me (transformations at and ask to be notified when the books go on sale, or just watch this or my Jaguar Nights blogs' sidebars for purchase links.